Tuesday, November 13, 2007

SCO Guilty of Lying About Unix Code in Linux

SCO Guilty of Lying About Unix Code in Linux

In Germany SCO is found guilty of lying about stolen Unix code being in Linux.

In the United States, SCO's Linux/Unix litigation has been stalled out while the company's bankruptcy trial is being dealt with. In Germany, however, several court cases have found SCO Group GmbH, SCO's Germany branch, guilty of lying about Linux containing stolen Unix code.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

How I setup a firewall using IPTABLES

There are many software firewalls available for Linux but since Linux usually comes with a firewall called IPTABLES, I decided to implement it by hand instead of using any GUI tools.

I started by searching online and found a few good tutorials and ready made scripts. There are also many script generators available, however, I recommend that you understand how IPTABLES work.

create a BASH script (here I name it iptables.rules and store it in /etc):

# flush all chains
iptables -F
# set the default policy for each of the pre-defined chains
iptables -P INPUT DROP
iptables -P FORWARD DROP
# allow establishment of connections initialised by my outgoing packets
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
# drop everything else
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -j DROP
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --syn -j DROP
# accept anything on localhost
iptables -A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT

make sure the script file is given execute file attributes:
# chmod +x iptables.rules

now when this script is executed the firewall is on:

# sh uptables.rules

But were are not done yet. If the system is rebooted the script has to be run again manually. So, it's important to launch the script automatically every time the system is booted.

To do this , an init.d script needs to be created (here I named it firewall and put it in /etc/init.d/):

if [[ $1 == start ]] ; then
sudo /etc/iptables.rules
sudo iptables -F

again I added the execute file attribute to this file

Finally I linked the scripts to the boot up process:

# update-rc.d firewall start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 99 0 1 6 .

Have a safe surf

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Saturday, October 06, 2007

The New York Times praises Linux

The New York Times has a very interesting and positive article on Linux.

read it here

Thursday, October 04, 2007

System hardware information

There are several tools available in Window managers like KDE and Gnome that provide information about the hardware. However on servers, there are usually no Window managers loaded therefore the command line interface must be used to query the hardware information. lspci and procinfo are useful tools that can be use.
You can also install sysinfo to provide all the info together.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

how to add user to group

#usermod -G -a group_name user1

or edit /etc/group

SSH tricks

Polishlinux.org has a very nice article about using SSH

read it here

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How to update Ubuntu by CLI

#sudo aptitude -y update && sudo aptitude -y upgrade && sudo aptitude -y dist-upgrade && sudo aptitude autoclean

To schedule automatically executing the command string but the string in a cron job:

#sudo crontab -e

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Zonbu: Linux PC Appliance

Zonbu is a great little PC appliance that is also environmentally friendly.
It's a small box loaded with Linux and open source software that is is very easy to use.

Friday, May 04, 2007


HD DVD DRM cracked


When the key was uncovered and posted on Digg.com, the moderators were forced to remove the posts but that only ignited a user revolt on Digg.com.

Read the details at ubuntuguru:


Monday, April 30, 2007

How To Utilize Your New Multimedia Keyboard Under Linux

To Install:

On Debian:
apt-get install xbindkeys

using source code:
download the latest source from here:

cd your_download_dir
Uncompress the source (1.x.x - refers for your version):
tar xzvf xbindkeys-1.x.x.tar.gz
Change to the new directory (created by tar):
cd xbindkeys-1.x.x

Install the program (as root):
su root
make install

The program is configured by the use of a file, .xbindkeysrc in your home directory. It is recommended to use the default configuration and then you can edit it according to your needs.
xbindkeys --defaults > $HOME/.xbindkeysrc

If you open the file with a text-editor you can see its structure:
# Next Track - Alt + Up
"xmms --fwd"
m:0x8 + c:98
# Previous Track - Alt + Down
"xmms --rew"

The command to be executed enclosed in quote characters, then a line after the keyboard codes which will cause that command to be executed. The line starts with hashmark (#) is for comment, recommended strongly. To find out the keycode you can do with:

xbindkeys -mk

This will pop up a window and show the keycodes when you hit keys. To quit when you done with your buttons press "q".

You can check your current keys and commands with:
xbindkeys --show

Once you have setup your .xbindkeysrc you can start the program by running:
xbindkeys &

This runs the command in the background causing to listen for keyboard events and execute the commands it knows about when finds a combination listed in its config file. To start xbindkeys when you login:

the best way to do this, as long as you're logging in via KDM or GDM, is to put xbindkeys in your ~/.bashrc file.

You can use xbindkeys-config, a GUI utility for editing your .xbindkeysrc. It can be installed with apt-get. Please note, create the config file with

xbindkeys --defaults > $HOME/.xbindkeysrc
before using the graphical application otherwise it will crash on saving.

Now, you are done. You can start using your extra buttons without installing any special driver!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Microsoft is Dead

Ever increasingly, people are writing and blogging about the inevitable death of Microsoft

Here is an example by Paul Graham

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Novell Linux Mocks "I'm a Mac" TV Ads

Novell have done a great collection of spoof ads of Apple’s “I’m a Mac” series, you know, the ones that had a UK launch in January this year.

read more ....

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Here is Google Video comparing LinuxMCE with WindowsMCE:

Sunday, March 11, 2007

How to flash motherboard BIOS from Linux (no DOS/Windows, no floppy drive)?

Step 1: Download FreeDOS boot disk floppy image

wget http://www.fdos.org/bootdisks/autogen/FDOEM.144.gz

gunzip FDOEM.144.gz

Step 2: Copy your BIOS flash utility and new BIOS image to the mounted floppy disk image

mkdir /tmp/floppy

mount -t vfat -o loop FDOEM.144 /tmp/floppy

# cp 75DVSTA2.60 ASRflash.exe /tmp/floppy

Step 3: Burn a bootable CD which will emulate floppy device for us

mkisofs -o bootcd.iso -b FDOEM.144 FDOEM.144

cdrecord -v bootcd.iso

Step 4: Reboot, flash, reboot, enjoy your new BIOS

[Click here for details]

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Linux friendly MP3 Player

Wow, Vibes (www.vibes.us) is not only a slick and beautiful MP3 Player but also is Linux friendly too! Check it out.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Open Letter to Steven Ballmer

It's come to many in the Linux community’s
you have claimed again
and again,
that Linux violates Microsoft's intellectual property.
only that, but
it's been reported Microsoft has convinced businesses to pay for a
Linux patent
that you
can't provide.

Read more ...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Windows-to-Linux roadmap

Yet another great Linux tutorial.

Check it out!

Friday, February 16, 2007


Openmoko has been around before Apple announced iPhone. Why would anyone buy a iPhone? if Apple can't make iTunes for Linux why would one think iPhone will work on a Linux system. My bet is on Openmoko.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

TOR: anonymity online

Want to surf the internet anonymously?

Tor is a great software that will masquerade your IP address and encrypt your TCP connections.

Here is a description of Tor from their website:

Tor is a toolset for a wide range of organizations and people that want to improve their safety and security on the Internet. Using Tor can help you anonymize web browsing and publishing, instant messaging, IRC, SSH, and other applications that use the TCP protocol. Tor also provides a platform on which software developers can build new applications with built-in anonymity, safety, and privacy features.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Five ways to use Windows apps in Linux

There are many ways that can help mitigate dependencies on Microsoft Windows and their products.

  1. Use an open source alternative instead
  2. Buy a commercial product that was designed for Linux
  3. Use Wine to run the application in Linux
  4. Run Windows in a Virtual Machine
  5. Run the application on a remote Windows system
Read the details here.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

OOo Basic crash course: Working with documents on an FTP server

Wouldn't it be nice if you could access your Writer documents from any
computer connected to the Internet and work with them as if they were
on your local machine -- especially if this could be done transparently
with just a couple of mouse clicks? To be able to do this, you don't
have to install a full-blown document management solution or use a
third-party file storage service. All you need is an FTP server and an
OOo Basic macro.

Read more at Linux.com

Saturday, January 27, 2007

USB Pen Drive Linux

Live Linux versions preconfigured and ready to Boot from a USB flash pen drive

downloads available from sourceforge.net.

Sunday, January 21, 2007


Virtualbox seems like a powerful virtualization product that may rival

VMware. I have not tested it yet because there doesn't appear to be an ebuild on Gentoo for it yet. Check it out!

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Introduction to Linux

This is a great flash introduction to Linux and has a step-by-step video tutorial for installing MEPIS Linux system (can't get easier than that, I bet your grandma can follow the steps).

read more | digg story